Combine and Customize Your L&D Data for More Insightful Reports

We’re excited to introduce two new Watershed product features: Modify Measure Output and Combine Multiple Measures into a Single Measure. These features enhance data reporting by allowing users to adjust how data appears in reports and merge metrics for a more comprehensive view. This blog post explains how these features can help you simplify data management and improve decision-making.

Modify Measure Output

Sometimes data isn’t always in the format you need, and that’s where Watershed’s Modify Measure Output comes in handy.

This feature enables you to adjust your data to present it in a way that makes more sense for your specific needs without altering the underlying xAPI statements.

How does it work?

For instance, a report may display the results using the verb "Experienced." However, this term may be too technical or misleading for some report end-users. So, in this example, you can switch the label to display as "Watched" to suit an audience's needs better.

Changing the labels can make reporting more intuitive and easier to follow. This is especially important when you're sharing reports with other business areas or senior stakeholders who need to understand reports at a glance.

For the more technically minded, you can still dig into the backend to determine the exact verb the report pulls through (in this instance, the verb remains "Experienced"). This ensures the ongoing administration of the report is not affected by having a new label applied.

It also has the ability to tweak how properties display within measures. For example, take aggregations such as Last, First, or Any. Modify Measure Output can prevent redundant information from displaying, making your data cleaner.

Imagine you receive activity types in the format [base-url]/[activity_type]. Instead of showing the whole URL, which might not be useful, you can configure the feature to display just the activity type. All you need to do is specify the statement property, apply a regular expression to identify the base URL, and replace it with the desired display value.

In this example, the statement property shows a full URL when the only relevant information is the activity type at the end of the URL. Using the Modify Measure Output feature, you can remove everything before the final “/” to keep just the desired information as shown in the “Activity Type Formatted” measure above.

Why does it matter?

This feature helps ensure the data you present is accurate, easy to understand, and relevant to your audience. Simply put, modifying the measure output helps you tailor the information to fit your specific context.

Combine Multiple Measures into a Single Measure

The Combine Multiple Measures in a Single Report feature enhances the clarity and comprehensiveness of your data presentations. This feature enables you to merge various metrics into a single, cohesive measure—providing a more holistic view of the data.

How does it work?

For instance, instead of only displaying a raw score, you can combine it with a percentage score to give a fuller context. Imagine a scenario where someone scores 25 out of 50 on a test. Displaying just the raw score of 25 might not fully convey someone’s performance level.

By combining this raw score with the percentage, you can present it as 25/50 (i.e., 50%), offering a more transparent, meaningful insight into the data.

As shown above, the “Raw Score (Percentage)” measure combines together the two preceding measures into a cleaner single column view to give a more complete interpretation of the data at a glance.

Why does it matter?

The primary purpose of this feature is to offer users greater control over their reporting. By combining multiple measures, users can tailor their reports to better suit their specific needs and the needs of their audience. This flexibility is particularly useful in scenarios where understanding the full context of the data is crucial.

The feature offers several key benefits:

  • It enhances data interpretability by providing a more complete picture. This can lead to better decision-making, as stakeholders have access to more nuanced information.
  • It saves time and effort by reducing the need to combine and interpret separate measures manually.
  • It adds a layer of professionalism to reports, making them more polished and easier to understand.

In other words, this feature helps users create more effective and impactful reports, ultimately driving better outcomes.

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