xAPI Data Transformation
L&D Spotlight: xAPI & Learning Fitness
See how Visa uses xAPI and learning fitness to understand learners' tendencies, patterns and activities to improve their learning frequency and quality.
xAPI Data Transformation
See how Visa uses xAPI and learning fitness to understand learners' tendencies, patterns and activities to improve their learning frequency and quality.
Blended Learning
Not all blended learning is good. Find out how to use data to pinpoint and manage negative learning within your organization.
Blended Learning
Did you know you can use L&D data to support self-directed learning within your organization? Here are 3 easy tips to get started.
Blended Learning
This blended learning blog post will show you how to track and support work based learning across your organization.
Blended Learning
See how to use L&D data to support blended learning and enhance informal learning across your organization.
Blended Learning
In this blended learning blog post, we'll guide you through different ways on how to capture and track social learning across your organization.
Blended Learning
See how to identify, prioritize, track, and adjust your most important blended learning programs and experiences.
Blended Learning
Use data capture tools, such as xAPI, to track and report on blended learning so you can evaluate, support, and improve training.
Blended Learning
Content curation and blended learning go hand in hand. See how to curate content so learners can find effective training and development materials.